Standing by the stranding

I love Hideo Kojima, I really do. His work on the Metal Gear series is astounding and he has proven himself to be quite the creative mind. With his newest project, Death Stranding fans of Hideo and his work are anxious to see what he can do when unrestricted by the shackles of his previous employer… Konami ,yuck!

Death Stranding, it seems, is yet another example of a well know creative mind breaking their chains and really sticking it to there previous employers, who just didn’t care about the needs of fans, by making a game themselves. What’s the other example you ask? Mighty Number 9, the game that got delayed three times, launched buggy on all systems, had uninspired, un-creative, characters, levels, bosses, story, music, dialog, and gameplay, and just looked bad, not awful, but bad.

Mighty Number 9, just like Death Stranding had a well known, well respected creative head, who worked on a very popular game series, break free from the restrictions placed by the company they worked for in order to create “the game that fans wanted”.

Now, Mighty No. 9 came into being under circumstances vastly different than Death Stranding , (at least in the realms of financing and… *sigh* marketing). Death Stranding wasn’t Kickstarted, and currently has the support of Sony, a highly professional company, behind it. I’m not saying Death Stranding is going to end up like the bombshell that was MN9, but I do want to call attention to the similarities to Death Stranding’s and Mighty Number 9’s upbringing.

I have faith in Hideo Kojima

I want to believe that he’s going to write/ direct/ create something that’ll knock our socks into orbit. I believe that Hideo Kojima will give more love and care to Death stranding than Keiji Inafune, (the hack that led the development of Mighty Number 9) ever would have given to his project. I love Kojima’s work, his vision, but there’s still that part of me that is skeptical, cynical, rather about this whole situation. Maybe Kojima will blow it, and reveal himself to be a hack just like Inefune. Maybe the all writers, directors, and designers we praise as creative geniuses are just as un-creative, cold ,and greedy as the corporations they break away from.

Only time will tell whether or not Hideo’s future work will be as ground breaking as his previous, but either way I’ll keep an eye on it. I’ll keep coming.

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